ebiopex products

High Barrier Packaging Pouch by ebiopex
ebiopex flexible packaging

Food Grade High Barrier Packaging

ebiopex is known for its manufacturing of flexible packaging especially when it comes to performance high barrier films.

We provide high barrier packaging solutions for manufacturers as well as food processing productions, from ready to print films to customized print packaging.

Our high barrier films are available in hybrid layer or in mono material structure. Meeting the highest standard in food packaging industry.

ebiopex polymers

Modified Polymer Granulates

With more than 20 years of operation experience within high barrier food packaging industry, ebiopex has developed our own modified plastic formulas for film extrusion, blow molding and vacuum forming production process.

We provide customized modification in Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polyamide (PA), PBAT, and more.

Your partner in Packaging Film Manufacturing Polymer Solutions.

Liquid Coating Products by ebiopex
ebiopex coating

Performance Coating

ebiopex provide Nano-technology liquid coating for industrial manufacturing, allowing for improved production performance in film blown extrusions. 

Our liquid coating products includes protective layer performance coating, adhesion bonding coating, and functional purpose coating applications.

Liquid Coating for material manufacturing applications.

ebiopex Circular Materials

Post Consumer Recycled Panels

ebiopex is excited to introduce our post-consumer recycled material. By upcycling resins from recycled circuit boards, we have created a highly rigid material that is equivalent to the likes of HDF and cement materials.

The upcycled HDF panels are designed to be used in building materials industry and can be applied into use of sub-floorings, laminate floorings, vanities and more.

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